West seattle gay bars

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If you hang at the Re-Bar near closing time, expect to be mocked, laughed at, or pushed aside. Both are quite mischievous, if not boisterous, with the patrons. While the spirit of an old-school leather daddy parades around during closing time, the spirit of one of the early building owners makes herself known here and then. Nearly a century of history has left behind quite a few ghosts. But aside from being one of the city’s coolest bars, and a long-held safe space for the LGBTQ community, Re-Bar is also quite haunted. Over the years, the venue has become home to artists, goths, punks, and party people who just want to jump headfirst into a dive bar.

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Re-Bar is etched into Seattle history, even hosting Nirvana’s release party for their album Nevermind. Although it’s towered by the nearby high rises, the regulars party hard, making Re-Bar the loudest spot on the block. Re-Bar is a tiny lounge in the Downtown/Capitol Hill area. Nowadays, Bezos and his high-tech bros have all but gentrified the grunge out of Seattle. It’s why the city has the cult-like following that it’s known for.

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Seattle is known for its weird and grungy ways.

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